The signing ceremony was attended by, from left to right
Henriette Neef from the Department of Research Funding and Transfer at the University of Bamberg Professor of Business Administration Matthias Muck University President Kai Fischbach Viktor Naumann
Managing Director of Medical Valley Forchheim and Tobias Kaufmann Consultant for
Internationalisation at the Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences
Source Emma SeegerUniversity of Bamberg
Joint teaching and research to be intensified in future
The Otto Friedrich University Bamberg and the Medical Valley Forchheim have organised the
Thursday, 30 January 2025, signed a memorandum of understanding that will facilitate the exchange between
between the two institutions. As part of this partnership, companies
and start-ups of Medical Valley Forchheim contribute their expertise to the teaching of
business administration at the University of Bamberg. The aim is to provide students
to provide practical insights and at the same time provide answers to current questions from
to work on the practical aspects of the company. Another key objective of the partnership is to
Attracting students from Germany and abroad as skilled labour for the region.
Cooperation is a prime example of transfer
"As a university, we want to build bridges between science and practice," says Prof Dr Kai
Fischbach, President of the University of Bamberg. "The future collaboration with the Medical
Valley Forchheim is a prime example of how we work together with our partners
initiate change in the region. Our cooperation benefits both our
students as well as the companies in Medical Valley - and in the long term, of course
also to the researchers in our Health profile initiative." In the newly founded
Profile initiative are activities in research, teaching and transfer on the subject of health at some
20 chairs and professorships organised in all four faculties of the University of Bamberg
Win-win situation for the university and Medical Valley
"We are looking forward to the creative and committed collaboration with the students of the
University of Bamberg," says Viktor Naumann, Managing Director of Medical Valley Forchheim.
"Our companies stand for innovation, and in combination with the academic knowledge
students, we can develop solutions that will benefit both the healthcare system and
strengthen the region."
Prof Dr Matthias Muck, holder of the Chair of Business Administration, in particular
Banking and Financial Controlling, adds: "Our students are already benefiting from
numerous co-operations with companies from the region. The partnership with the Medical
Valley now opens up new opportunities for insights into the healthcare sector. Through the
The integration of concrete questions from practice into our courses enables the
PHONE 09191 95 040-10 - E-MAIL:
SPARKASSE FORCHHEIM - IBAN: DE45 7635 1040 0020 5727 56 - BIC: BYLADEM1FOR
REG. BAMBERG: HRB 7735 - TAX OFFICE ERLANGEN - ST.-NO. 216 / 117 / 10728
students can expand their knowledge and make contacts with innovative companies and organisations.
start-ups." The topic of entrepreneurship is also playing an increasingly important role in teaching.
Skills relating to entrepreneurial thinking and behaviour should be taught in a targeted manner.
become. "And what better way to do this than by talking to people who have already taken the step of a
have dared to start a business," says Muck. The students should be encouraged,
develop your own ideas.
Concrete projects start soon
The first joint projects are already being planned: in April 2025, a group of
students of the "Business Administration" degree programme in an EU-funded "Blended
Intensive Programme" at the University of Pavia, Italy. In international teams with
other students from France, Austria, Poland, Italy and Finland, they will experience real
work on business management issues that centre around the topics of scaling and
foreign market entry. Numerous start-ups from various countries will be taking part,
Management consultancies, representatives of regional business development organisations and venture capitalists - including the Medical Valley-based start-up LinaThera. LinaThera
is working on revolutionising cancer treatment through the use of
particle accelerators for the production of radioisotopes, which are required in radiotherapy.
become. "This practice-orientated project enables participants to put their theoretical knowledge into practice.
apply knowledge in a real-life context and gain a deep insight into the
challenges and strategies of the companies," explains Matthias Muck.
New courses are also planned for the future: Together with the Office for Innovation
and Foundation (BIG) of the University of Bamberg is being prepared by the Chair of Business Administration,
in particular banking and financial controlling, is currently organising a new seminar with the working title
"International Entrepreneurship: Toolbox for Founders and Practical Application". This is intended as a
hybrid event together with regional start-ups in the future as part of a new
international Triple Degrees - a study programme with degrees from a total of three
universities - are offered. The aim of the seminar is to bring companies and students
to get in touch with them during their studies.